Statistical Information

Financial Indicators

    • Total Assets: TRY 111.4 billion
    • Net Profit: TRY 2,150.3 million
    • Technical Profit: TRY 2,154.9 million

Private Pension Sector 

    • Fund size of TRY 82.9 billion with a market share of 13%
    • 1.4 million participants with a market share of 16%
    • Contribution of TRY 27 billion with a market share of 13%

Life Insurance Sector

    • Direct Premium generation of TRY 5,152 million with a market share of 9%
Garanti BBVA Pension 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Total Net Asset Value of  Pension Funds (million TRY) 82,858 47,052 28,134 18,499 14,538
Market Share in Total Net Asset Value of Pension Funds 14% 14% 13% 14% 15%
Total Value of Pension Funds (million TRY) 27,009 17,726 13,392 11,494 9,664
Market Share in Total Value of Pension Contributions 13% 14% 14% 13% 14%
Number of Pensioners 1,362,059 1,263,770 1,134,664 1,112,594 1,105,191
Market Share in Number of Pensioners 16% 16% 16% 16% 16%
Life Insurence Premium Generation (million TRY) 5,151.9 2,579.6 1,456.7 1,111.8 837.5
Market Share in Life Insurance Premium Generation 9% 8% 8% 8% 7%

*Based on EGM and TSB datas.

Contact Information

Phone: 0 212 334 70 00